F.A.Q.'s and How-To's
How can I delete a collections report?
How can I view the history of letters sent to a customer?
How do I create a custom letter to send to customers?
How do I edit a collections report?
How do I print from the Collections screen?
How do I rename a Collections report?
How do I save my criteria/filter options on the Collections screen to run the same report at a later date?
How do I send a mass email or text to a group of customers?
When auto-assigning collectors, how do lines 11-13 of the assignment rules work? (Finance Companies Only)
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Recent, Notable Changes to this Screen
VersionChange Notes it's optimal for collectors to utilize the Collection Tab for viewing or auditing collection progress, users will also see 'LastTextSent' when exporting the account list via the green export button (located at the top-right-hand side of the list).
ASN Dealership Software